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The CBRNe Society is the organizer of the NCT event series. NCT started as commercial events hosted by NCT Consultants. Today, these events are hosted by the CBRNe Society in close cooperation with NCT Consultants which is tasked with the logistical organization and the industry component of the events. The CBRNe Society has sole responsibility for the program of the conferences and the links with our government partners.

Regional NCT Events

NCT events take place multiple times a year with editions in Europe, United States, South America, Middle East, Asia. The regional NCT events are the largest type of events hosted by the CBRNe Society and feature conference streams (CBRNe and eXplosive focused), parallel workshops, industry exhibitions, capability demonstrations and trainings. Building on a strong cooperation with government partners, the regional NCT events are the leading CBRNe, C-IED, EOD, demining event series in the world with around 250-400 participants per edition.

Over the duration of 2-3 days, the NCT events offer participants the opportunity to attend conference/workshop sessions led by civil and military first responders while also learn about the newest technologies available on the market during the industry exhibition and the guided Tech Tour.

Most of the NCT events are opened by a multiagency live demonstration of CBRNe capabilities led by the host country. This gives the opportunity to the local forces to showcase the national response capabilities and allows participants to learn about the operating procedures of the host nation. In parallel to the NCT conference stream, workshops, exhibition and demonstration, the CBRNe Society hosts CBRNe, C-IED, EOD and demining scenario led trainings, the NCT PRO.

NCT PRO Trainings

During the multi-agency NCT PRO Trainings, military and civil first responder teams from different countries/counties/states are trained to operate in mock CBRNe, C-IED, and EOD scenarios together with a different team. This is preceded by training on the latest products provided by the industry sponsors, allowing teams to be introduced to the latest equipment prior to using them in the scenarios for the most efficient, rapid and coordinated training. Each team will be matched to another team from a different agency. CBRNe events increasingly require an international and multi-agency response, which is why training should be multinational and multidisciplinary. That is what NCT PRO is all about. Over the duration of two or three days, teams of professionals will be trained based on their expertise & requirements using equipment provided by leading CBRNe, C-IED, and EOD companies from all over the world. The trainings consist in two main components: product training and training mission.

Product training: Depending on the NCT PRO event, a one-hour product training session to teach participants on the use of the latest equipment will take place before each scenario. Alternatively, a product training session will take place a day prior to the 2 day-long training mission, allowing teams to understand the functionalities of the sponsored equipment before using them in the scenario for the most efficient, rapid and coordinated training.

Training mission: A two-hour training session developed by the MAC 7 trainers for the teams. Each session will include briefings at both the start and end of the session. Each training scenario will be tailored to the training needs of the participants as well as the sponsored equipment.