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Vesa Lund

Dr Vesa Lund

Senior Medical Advisor to Preparedness Unit , Ministry of Social Affairs and Health

Dr. Vesa Lund is a medical doctor and specialist in anaeshtesia and intensive care, with a PhD in medicine. His clinical career stretched from 1998 to 2023, working in anesthesia, intensive care medicine, and prehospital care (HEMS; 4-wheel doctor unit). He has a European diploma in intensive care medicine (EDIC) with special branches in tactical medicine, CBRN, and preparedness. His current temporary position lasts from 12.4.2023 – 31.12.2024 in the preparedness unit of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, Finland. He is also a Senior medical adviser for rescEU CBRN FI project. His main position is as Chief Physician at the Department of Prehospital Care, Satakunta Welfare District, Pori, Finland.
