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Eirini Lemos-Maniati

Ms Eirini Lemos-Maniati

Head of Arms Control, Disarmament & WMD Non-Proliferation, Political Affairs and Security Policy Division, NATO

Eirini Lemos-Maniati is heading NATO’s Arms Control, Disarmament and WMD Non Proliferation Section, in the Political Affairs and Security Policy Division at NATO HQ. She has previously served as the Deputy Director for NATO’s Arms Control, Disarmament and WMD Non Proliferation Centre since May 2018, advancing NATO’s policy on all aspects of arms control, disarmament and non-proliferation (ADN). 

Prior to this assignment, she served as the NATO Secretary General’s Representative to the Organization for Security and Co-Operation in Europe (OSCE). She re-established the NATO presence in Vienna in 2016, to interact with Allies, partners, and International Organisations based in Vienna. From May 2010 to December 2015, she was the first NATO Senior Civilian Liaison Officer to the United Nations, a post established following the signing of the UN-NATO Joint Declaration in September 2008. Eirini Lemos-Maniati began working at NATO HQ in 2002, working on NATO-UN relations, developing the Joint Declaration for UN-NATO Co-operation (signed in 2008) as well as on other security policies of the Alliance, such as NATO’s Comprehensive Approach. She also served as the focal point in Political Affairs and Security Policy Division, for the development of the agenda for NATO’s Summit and Ministerial meetings, until 2010. 

Eirini Lemos Maniati has a long experience in other multilateral organisations, dealing with security policy, namely she worked at the Western European Armament Group focusing on European Defence cooperation, at the OSCE Mission in Vukovar as a Political Advisor, and as a Political Officer in the EU Delegation in Thailand.

Eirini Lemos Maniati holds a Master’s degree on International Relations from Exeter University and a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science from Hertfordshire University. She speaks Greek, English, French and German and conversational Arabic. She is married and has two children.