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LiveU Inc.


Military and emergency responders face dangerous and contaminated environments armed with handheld sensors and traditional protective gear. Integrating unmanned systems with sensor payloads can revolutionize their capabilities, especially in hard-to-reach or hazardous areas. Tailored for mobility, LiveU's portable and lightweight solutions empower defense and public safety organizations with real-time, location-independent connectivity. 

Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), equipped with specialized sensors can swiftly detect and characterize chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, or explosive (CBRNE) hazards, enhancing both prevention and response efforts and at the heart of seamless communication across diverse jurisdictions, lies LiveU technology.

LiveU solutions serve as the cornerstone, enabling the reliable transmission of video/data feeds from various sources like Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS), Unmanned Ground Vehicles (UGV), helicopters, dashcams, and bodycams to any destination. Leveraging LRT™, LiveU's proprietary IP bonding technology, it guarantees the consistent transmission of live video from any ground, water, or aerial location back to command centers or any designated device. This capability is vital for bolstering the CBRNE mission, ensuring dependable video transmission from anywhere on the planet

LiveU's On Premise Software (OPS) offerings grant organizations complete control over their video feeds at all times. Integration into existing workflows is seamless, enabling efficient video management within the organization. For added security, customizable encryption options are available upon request, ensuring the utmost protection of sensitive CBRNE data.

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